Annoyed Of Being Constantly Fed, Attacked Drinking Buddy, Finally Slashed With Machete

PINRANG - A man in Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi, was arrested by the police for assaulting his own friend. This man slashed his friend with a machete during a drinking party.

"Members made arrests of the alleged perpetrators of the torture using a machete, on Saturday, February 6," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pinrang Police, Deki Marizaldi, to VOI, Monday, February 15 evening.

The stabbing took place on Friday 5 February. Perpetrators and victims held alcohol parties on the street, Rappang, Laleng Bata Village, Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency.

"It happened around 22.00 Central Indonesia Time," said the First Police Inspector Deki.

The stabbing begins when the victim is offended by being constantly fed with liquor. The perpetrator did prepare a bottle for a drinking party

"The motive was between the victim and the perpetrator, the story was that they both drank alcohol and then the perpetrator was directed to drink by the victim while uttering words that the victim could not hear," said the First police Inspector Deki.

I don't know what the victim said. The perpetrator did not accept the victim for issuing words that offended the perpetrator. The perpetrator then took a machete on his motorbike.


"Incidentally, at that time the perpetrator had just returned from his rice field and immediately stopped at the place where the victim was drinking alcohol and they were drinking at the crime scene," said the First Police Inspector Deki.

From the reports received, the police have been chasing down the perpetrators to making arrests.

The perpetrator is known to have surrendered to the Pinrang Police. The perpetrator and the machete evidence were secured for legal proceedings.