BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya stated that the odd-even policy for motorized vehicles at the weekend had an impact on reducing positive cases of COVID-19.

"The odd-even policy in Bogor City at the weekend has an impact on reducing the number of vehicles entering Bogor city as well as reducing the transmission rate of positive COVID-19 cases," Bima Arya said in Bogor City, quoted by Antara, Sunday, February 14.

According to Bima Arya, the Bogor City Government implemented an odd-even policy for motorized vehicles on Saturday and Sunday, February 6 and 7. And on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this week.

"The impact is significant. The number of vehicles entering Bogor city at the weekend decreased by 21 percent. The traffic flow at the weekend in Bogor city is also smooth, there is no congestion," he said.

Bima explained that the decline in citizen mobility also had an impact on reducing the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in this city. Based on daily COVID-19 data from the Bogor City Health Office, the highest positive cases of COVID-19 occurred on Friday, February 5, with 187 cases.


According to him, with the imposition of an odd-even policy for motorized vehicles, positive cases of COVID-19 have gradually decreased from Saturday, February 6 until today.

"I see that the number continues to decline from last week. We are still studying it, Monday (15/2) until the next few days. But the trend has been seen, there are strong indications of decline," he said.

Based on daily COVID-19 data from the Bogor City Health Office, there were 187 positive cases of COVID-19 in Bogor City on Saturday (6/2). Then on Sunday (7/2) 178 cases.

Meanwhile, the new positive cases on Saturday, February 13 were 128 cases, and Sunday (14/2) 109 cases.

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