JAKARTA Samsung has a variety of applications useful for Galaxy mobile users. Some of these applications can help users in search of devices to receive technical assistance. Some of the application recommendations from Samsung can be downloaded on the Google Play Store or Galaxy Store, a built-in app store from Samsung. Here are some applications from Samsung that are useful for users, quoted from How to Geek. This Galaxy Enhance-X Artificial Intelligence-based (AI) application is a tool for editing the media in your phone gallery. This application can increase resolution, make videos of high quality, improve images, and add edits. While using Galaxy Enhance-X, this application will store the original version and edit into the gallery so that users can compare the differences. Unfortunately, this application is only compatible in some devices and is not available for Google's A and M series. Samsung Find Similar to Google's Find My Device, this application will help users in finding the Galaxy device that is missing. Therefore, this device should be installed on the Galaxy phone you use. Samsung Find has an offline search feature so that you can search for devices even if it is not connected to any network. This application can also track SmartThings by displaying location estimates of the device they are looking for.

Smart Tutor The last application that Samsung Galaxy owners should not miss is the Smart Tutor application. By using this application, you can receive technical assistance directly when the device is experiencing problems. You only need to install the application, contact the service center, then ask for remote assistance by entering the six-digit code provided by the expert. Later, your phone screen will be accessed by experts to solve the problem directly.

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