BANTUL - The Department of Food Security and Agriculture (DKPP) of Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region said that 11 cows belonging to local breeders were reported to have died from verbal and nail disease (PMK).

"There were eleven cows that died because of PMK, then they were sick and now they are being treated by friends from the animal health officer, 94 cows," said Head of the Bantul DKPP Joko Waluyo when confirmed in Bantul, Antara, Friday, January 3.

All of the dead species of Si Metal cattle. Meanwhile, the distribution of PMK attacks on livestock that have appeared some time ago occurred in the Bantul area, especially the southern region.

"The distribution is mainly in the south which is rather large, such as in the Kretek sub-district, Bambanglipuro, Pundong, but almost evenly distributed. But hopefully it doesn't spread anywhere," he said.

As a step to deal with the emergence of PMK disease that causes the death of the livestock, DKPP has intensified information and education communication (KIE) related to PMK so that farmers always maintain the cleanliness of their cages.

In fact, the Bantul Regency Government (Pemkab) has issued a circular regarding preparedness for the increase in cases of strategic infectious animal disease (PHMS) aimed at sub-district heads and village heads throughout Bantul Regency.

"We have implemented KIE, we have also made a circular to the sub-district head, the village head to be submitted to the community, especially farmers, but the public should not be afraid that it is not zoonosis, but there is a first step for disinfectant, then keep the cage clean, and feed good," he said.

He hopes that cattle breeders when buying new livestock should not be directly mixed with old livestock that are in good health, but quarantined first to ensure that there is no potential for transmission if the cow is exposed to PMK.

"If you buy a new livestock, don't mix it immediately, but isolate it first, separated from the old one in anticipation of no transmission," he said.

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