JAKARTA - Nathalie Holscher suddenly spread a photo of a woman through her Instagram broadcast feature. Nathalie explained that the woman is a TKW who is currently working in Hong Kong. So upset, Nathalie opened a competition to find the woman. He promised to give Rp1 million to the person who managed to find the culprit. "Who knows and knows where his family lives, I give him Rp1 million. He is a TKW at HK (Hongkong)," wrote Nathalie Holscher, quoted by VOI from Instagram @natalieholscher, Friday, January 3. The ex-wife of Sule explained that the woman had already named her son, Adzam as an illegitimate child. "That's why he likes to make this artist's children. Yesterday he said Kamari (Nennifern Coppen's daughter) is a haram child, now he holds Adzam too," explained Nathalie. Nathalie didn't even hesitate to take this to legal action. Seen from her lawyer's upload, Madha Besar Surya on Instagram which gave a warning.
Madha said, the perpetrator could be reported under Article 27 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law on suspicion of defamation and the threat of a maximum penalty of 4 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 750 million. "For accounts that are still deliberately sending words that harm the family @nathalieholscher and @nadyaholscher personally on the Instagram platform, be wise in using social media," wrote Madha.
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