Apple, known for its technological advantages, is now facing big questions after failing to fulfill CarPlay's latest generation launch promise in 2024. Although at WWDC 2022 Apple confidently introduced a new CarPlay that would take over all car dashboard functions, until early 2025 no vehicle would adopt it.

At the presentation at WWDC 2022, Emily Schubert, Senior Manager of Engineering Apple's Car Experience at the time, stated that "mobils will begin to be announced at the end of next year [2023]." Apple also promised this new generation of CarPlays will be available in the vehicle model launched in 2024. However, until now, no vehicles have been released with the feature.

This new generation of CarPlay is designed to integrate the entire dashboard function, including the display of speed, RPM, fuel status, temperature, to transmission mode, using all the screens available in the vehicle. In fact, Apple promises design flexibility that can customize the unique screen shape of each automaker.

Although Porsche and Aston Martin showcased the CarPlay design concept at the end of 2023, none of them launched new generation CarPlay-based vehicles.

This big project involves 14 leading automakers, including Audi, Volvo, Porsche, and Aston Martin. However, working with such large external partners clearly adds to the complexity. What's more, for many manufacturers, the CarPlay project may not be their top priority.

Communication between the iPhone and the vehicle system in real-time, while maintaining user privacy, is also a significant technical challenge. This includes data integration such as speed, RPM, and vehicle temperature directly into CarPlay.

This is not the only time Apple has failed to meet the deadline. Previously, the launch of the Apple Music Classic application was also late from the schedule promised in 2022. The application was finally released surprisingly for several months entering 2023.

However, the CarPlay situation is more complicated because it involves collaboration with many external parties. This is different from products like Apple Music Classic, whose development is completely under Apple's control.

It remains unclear whether this new generation of CarPlay will soon launch or face the same fate as the Apple Car project, which is rumored to have been abandoned.

Apple has yet to provide an official statement regarding this delay, while their official website still mentions that the first model with CarPlay will come in 2024.

In the near future, users may only be able to wait while hoping that Apple will fulfill its big promise with CarPlay's latest generation, even though it's too late.

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