North Sulawesi Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) stated its commitment to increasing transparency of digital-based public services. This was revealed in line with the awards achieved in the field of digital system management.

"The Ministry of Religion of North Sulawesi will continue to provide the best service to the community and improve the achievements that have been achieved, namely the Public Relations Award 2024 for the Best Website Management category," said Head of the North Sulawesi Ministry of Religion, Ulyas Taha, in Manado quoting ANTARA, Saturday, January 4.

He said this award is a form of recognition for the dedication of the North Sulawesi Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion in managing official websites in a professional, informative and responsive manner.

Ulyas explained that the website of the North Sulawesi Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion is considered superior in providing relevant and up-to-date information for the public, as well as maximizing transparency and digital-based public services.

The Head of Regional Office expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Indonesian Minister of Religion, the Secretary General and the Head of the Public Relations, Data and Information Bureau (HDI) and the Public Relations personnel of the North Sulawesi Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion for this award.

"This award is the result of the hard work of the entire team, we are committed to continuing to improve the quality of digital information services, so that people can access information easily and quickly," said the former Head of the Central Sulawesi Ministry of Religion Regional Office.

The website of the North Sulawesi Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion not only presents news about the activities of the Ministry of Religion, but also provides interactive features, such as online complaint services, religious service schedules, religious moderation to digital community satisfaction surveys.

This is one of the indicators that made the North Sulawesi Ministry of Religion Regional Office achieve this achievement.

Meanwhile, the former Head of the North Sulawesi Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion, Sarbin Sehe, who is currently the Elected Cawagub of North Maluku, appreciated the performance of the North Sulawesi Ministry of Religion Regional Office.

"Congratulations and success to the North Sulawesi Ministry of Religion Regional Office for the achievements achieved under the leadership of Mr. Ulyas Taha as Kakanwil. This achievement can be an example of how digital media management can support better transparency and public services," wrote Sarbin Sehe.

Kakanwil Ulyas Taha hopes that this award can be a motivation for all work units under the Ministry of Religion of North Sulawesi to continue to improve the quality of managing communication media, both through websites and other social media platforms, in order to support better and quality public services and further spur the quality of public relations at the regional and the Ministry of Religion in the future.

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