JAKARTA - Turkey's Foreign Economic Relations Council (DEIK) Head Nail Olpak said the state could restart trade with Israel if permanent peace in Gaza.
Turkey decided to trade with Israel last year because of its war in Gaza with the Palestinian militant group Hamas. This week Israel and Hamas began implementing a complicated ceasefire agreement.
As reported by Reuters on Tuesday, January 21, Olipak also said that DEIK had heard reports of matters of payment of goods exported to Russia via Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, without elaborating.
Western countries imposed the biggest sanctions on Russia after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. Turkish exporters to Russia have since experienced some problems in accepting payments.
Olpak also said the council submitted a request to Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek to reduce or abolish exporter obligations to sell 30 percent of foreign currency revenue to the central bank.
In June last year, the central bank lowered the foreign exchange revenue ratio to be sold by exporters to 30 percent from 40 percent, as foreign exchange reserves continued to increase.
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