The inflation rate in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) in December 2024 was 1.47 percent. The percentage was reported by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) on Saturday, January 4.

"The highest inflation occurred in Berau Regency at 2.69 percent with a CPI of 107.26," said Head of BPS for East Kalimantan Province Yusniar Juliana, in Samarinda, quoting ANTARA on January 5.

In detail, the City of Samarinda inflation is 1.50 percent, North Penajam Paser is 1.25 percent, and the lowest is in Balikpapan City at 1.11 percent.

The dominant commodities contributed year on year (y-on-y) inflation in December 2024, including rice, gold jewelry, engine kretek cigarettes (SKM), kite fish/gol fish, and shallots.

In addition, hospital rates, powder coffee, wet shrimp, side dishes of rice, green mustard, kale, spinach, household fuel, non-foreigners, packaged water, garlic, motorcycles,MINAl fish, and machine white cigarettes (SPM).

Yusniar added that the y-on-y inflation occurred due to an increase in prices as indicated by the increase in most indexes of the expenditure group, namely the food group.

In addition, the group of beverages and tobacco by 2.64 percent, the clothing and footwear group by 2.12 percent, the housing, water, electricity and household fuel group by 0.64 percent.

Furthermore, health groups amounted to 5.20 percent, recreation, sports and culture groups by 1.65 percent, education groups by 1.71 percent, food and beverage / restaurant supply groups by 1.92 percent; and private care and other services groups by 5.67 percent.

In contrast, expenditure groups that experienced a decline in the index, namely equipment, equipment and routine household maintenance by 0.06 percent, transportation groups by 2.03 percent and information, communication, and financial services groups by 0.62 percent.

In month to month (m-to-m), there was an increase in the price index (inflation) in December 2024 by 0.31 percent. Meanwhile, year to date (y-to-d), in December 2024 there was an inflation of 1.47 percent.

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