JAKARTA Hackavist, a hacker group with political views, which sided with Hamas has carried out attacks on Israel online. This attack made the war situation between Israel and Hamas heat up.

Through a massive hack-avist hack, dozens of people become victims and continue to grow every day. Even the hackavist has damaged the Jerusalem Post web.

Quoting from Reuters, a group of Hamas supporters such as AnonGhost have disrupted the Israeli emergency warning application. In addition, another group named AnonymousSudan is targeting important Israeli infrastructure.

However, Anonymous Sudan provided little evidence of the actions they would take. This news was shared by themselves via Telegram.

More than 100 websites in Israel were damaged through attacks on the rejection of simple distributed services (DDoS). This information is also supported by a statement by the Editor-in-Chief of the Jerusalem Post, Avi Mayer. He said that their media had been offline within days.

This attack is a huge loss to press freedom, according to Mayer. What's more, Israel's Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) did not immediately respond to the attack issue.

The news of this attack itself is still confusing because the claims of the hackavists are not entirely accurate. However, some analyzes suspect that hacktivist is conducting cyber espionage.

Last week, Microsoft stated that a group of hackers in Gaza, Storm-1133, was trying to spy on a number of companies in Israel through cyberspace. This cyber Espionage is done via telecommunications.

Not only that, the Chief Executive of the Israeli Cybersecurity Company Profero Omni Segev Moyal detected several hacking activities from the Iranian group. The group nicknamed Muddy Water is working with Molerats, the group suspected of representing Hamas.

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