JAKARTA Google features a very interesting doodle on the main page and Google Search search page. This time, the doodle features a Google-readed text with purplish colors.

On the information page about its doodle, Google says that the image was created to celebrate New Year's Eve. There is a special meaning in the glow around the text and background that looks like a full-sky star.

Google explained that this flash shows excitement on New Year's Eve. The tech giant wants to invite users to complete their resolution this year and prepare to welcome the new year.

"Today's doodle is celebrating New Year's Eve! Let's welcome a new year full of opportunities like today's Doodle! Let's start counting down," wrote Google on the Doodle information page.

Today's Google Doodle seems to be displayed across countries supporting Google Search usage. The reason is, Google's map table shows that the whole country has a purple color, a color that refers to today's doodle.

It is not yet known whether Google will feature other doodles on January 1, 2025. The reason is, Google emphasizes that these doodles are specifically designed only for New Year's Eve.

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