JAKARTA - Car performance to be maximized must of course be accompanied by routine maintenance, including gasoline filter components that are often underestimated by the owners.

It is important to know that gasoline filters are components in motor vehicle fuel systems that function to filter fuel before the fuel reaches the engine.

"The replacement time is recommended 100 thousand km because it will be dirty by itself," said Owner Eko Motor Care Eko Santoso, when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, December 31.

According to him, when the gasoline filter is dirty, it will certainly cause new problems in his favorite car, even though the effect varies from vehicle to vehicle depending on the user's use itself.

"It's different, but most of it, if you don't replace it (the gasoline filter) it will reduce the acceleration of the car, the energy will also decrease," he added.

Meanwhile, quoted from the Astra Daihatsu page, several problems can also arise that require users to replace car gasoline filters. So what?

What can be a marker is that the engine indicator is on the control panel such as a gasoline light or engine light, it can be a sign that the gasoline filter is having problems.

In addition, when the car engine suddenly turns off while on the way, this is an important indication to immediately replace the gasoline filter. Usually, this is caused by the blockage of the gasoline filter due to dirt. As a result, the fuel supply to the engine combustion room is not what is needed.

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