JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that 23,699 cases of crimes against women and children occurred during 2024. Most about Domestic Violence (KDRT).

"Law enforcement against crimes against women, children and other vulnerable groups. In 2024, there will be 23,699 cases," said Sigit when describing the results of the Police's performance in the Year-End Release, Tuesday, December 31.

This number has decreased by 12.3 percent or 3,344 cases when compared to the 2023 period.

Of the tens of thousands of cases, said Sigit, 12,374 cases or 52.2 percent could be resolved.

"The types of crimes most reported in 2024 are 11,028 domestic violence cases," he said.

Meanwhile, for criminal acts of trafficking in persons (TPPO), around 621 cases can be resolved. The settlement of the case rose by 331 cases or 114 percent from the previous 290 cases.

According to him, one of the reasons for the increase in the number of cases settlements is the decrease in the number of TIP victims.

"In 2024 there were 1,794 victims or decreased by 1,306 people or 42 percent compared to 3,104 people in 2023," said Sigit.

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