TANGERANG Hendrik (54), a Sinar Jaya Bus driver, admitted that he could not celebrate Eid al-Fitr with his family in his hometown in Banyuwangi, East Java, because his job as an intercity bus driver required him to continue working.

"You can go home after Eid. Usually, D+3 just comes home. You'll be back around April 7-8, 2025," said Hendrik when met at Poris Plawad Terminal, Tangerang City, Monday, March 24.

According to Hendrik, he could actually choose to take an earlier day off. However, because of his work system that looks like a freelancer, he is only paid if he works. That is, if he doesn't work, he will not earn.

"I'm like freelance. So when I come to work, I'll just be paid. If I don't come in, I won't be paid. So I choose to work first, if there is money, I'll go home," he said.

Hendrik revealed that every time he works, he gets a fee of Rp. 85 thousand per day. Even though the moment of Eid is a busy time for bus drivers, the wages he receives are still the same.

"The work is very much Rp. 85 thousand. If you go home like this, pay it, it's still the same," he concluded.

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