TANGERANG - Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Soekarno Hatta Airport Police, Kompol Reza Pahlevi revealed that 5 Lion Air officers who served as porter handling acted to break into the bag belonging to passengers JS (26), when the plane experienced a delay in travel (delay) for 2 hours.

"This happened in the plane departure schedule position. When the plane experienced a 2 hour departure schedule delay," Reza told reporters at the Soetta Airport Police, Friday, June 28.

He explained that the action was carried out in a coordinated manner by dividing the duties of the five suspects, AS (26), H (28), D (34), A (24) and T (22).

The US suspect is the main perpetrator. Meanwhile, H (28), D (34), A (24) and T (22) helped the main perpetrators move the stolen goods.

There is a task of carrying out a suitcase from the take off area to the plane area. Some are in charge of moving the suitcase to the hull of the compound," he said.

Some are tasked with receiving suitcases from the computer door to be pushed into the hull of the compound. And some are tasked with breaking into passenger bags that have entered the hull of the compound," he continued.

When the perpetrators act, there is no one other than the plane officers. So that the perpetrators are free to carry out their actions.

Then the US suspect chose a suitcase that was considered easy to break into. He broke into the bag with a piece of suitcase.

The tools used by the perpetrators included, among others, the broken suitcases found by the perpetrators in the hull of the compound. So the shards of this suitcase are in the intention of the harsh flat object used by the perpetrators to damage the releting of the passenger's suitcase," he continued.

After successfully breaking into, the US sorted items that were easy to pick up and had a high selling price.

"There was a sorting, where the goods that had economic value that were easy to bring were then given to other gangs," he said.

Furthermore, the US transferred the stolen items to the vest bag he was wearing while working. Then handed over to another suspect.

"In carrying out their actions they slipped the money into a shoe bag and a vest bag that was worn while he was on duty," he said.

The victim did not know that his suitcase had been burglarized, still departing from Sultan Hassanudin Airport on the Makassar-Jakarta route.

However, after arriving at Soekarno Hatta Airport, the victim checked the bag. It turned out that valuables such as 3 gold rings, 100 Singapore dollars and 100 US dollars had disappeared.

The perpetrators have been named as suspects. They were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code paragraph (1) 4 with a maximum threat of seven years.

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