JAKARTA - When talking about losing fat in the stomach, many people immediately avoid certain foods that are considered "unhealthy."
Pasta, nuts, and fruit are often included in the taboo list, when in fact this food has extraordinary benefits if consumed in the right way.
Fat in the body is divided into two types, namely subcutaneous fat, which is right under the skin, and visceral fat, wrapped in internal organs such as the liver, intestines, and stomach. These visceral fats are at risk of causing various diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
"Visceral fat is behind the stomach muscle and wrapped around organs such as stomach, liver, and intestines," said Lainey Younkin, MS, RD, quoted by VOI from the Eating Well page on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
"Too much visceral fat has been associated with high cholesterol, insulin resistance, and high blood pressure, as well as increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes," he lanhyt.
If you want to reduce the visceral fat, remember that there is no single food or drink that can reduce it directly. In addition, there is no reason to eliminate certain foods in order to achieve health goals.
According to nutritionists, these 6 foods labeled unhealthy can actually help lose weight.
Alpukat contains unsaturated fats that are useful for reducing visceral fats. A small study found that women who eat one avocado per day experience a decrease in visceral fats.
Anna Rosell, RD, recommends foods that contain single and double unsaturated fats such as olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish due to their extensive health benefits.
"Studies show that incorporating unsaturated fat in a diet not only affects blood cholesterol positively and reduces the risk of heart disease, but also affects the distribution of body fat," he said.
Milk products are often controversial in the context of weight loss, but you may be surprised to learn that fat-filled milk can be part of a balanced diet that supports weight loss and fat.
Fat in milk helps provide a sense of fullness. Several studies show a link between a diet that contains fat milk with a lower risk of belly obesity, one of the indicators of visceral fat.
Many people try to lose weight avoiding nuts because of their high calorie content, but the calories are also full of nutrients, said Julie totaling, MPH, RDN.
Nuts contain fiber and protein that is important for a balanced diet. Research shows that a diet rich in fiber, including walnuts, can reduce visceral fat.
Popcorn may not immediately think of as a food that helps reduce visceral fat, but compared to other popular snacks, popcorn can be a very good choice.
corn is low in calories and high in fiber. This makes it a healthier alternative to potato chips.
Pasta is often the first food to avoid when trying to lose weight. However, pasta, especially those made from whole wheat, is a good source of fiber. Fiber helps increase feeling full after eating.
Choose whole grained pasta or nuts to increase fiber intake and support digestive health.
Some fruit contains higher natural sugar, so many people think it should be avoided when losing weight. However, this is a myth. All fruit rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber that support healthy weight maintenance. Research shows that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with reducing visceral fats.
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