TANGERANG - The police have named the chairman of the concert committee for the 2024 Tangerang Lentera Festival (TNG Lenfest) Muhammad Dian Permana (27) as a suspect. He was named on suspicion of embezzlement and fraud of a music concert that ended in chaos in the field of Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Sunday, June 23, evening.

"Sudah tersangka," kata Kasat Reskrim Polresta Tangerang, Kompol Arief Nazaruddin Yusuf saat dikonfirmasi, Kamis, 27 Juni.

Arief explained that the determination was decided after his party collected evidence and the case title. So it was decided as a suspect against the person concerned.

"Then we from investigators have collected evidence, from the results of the case title," he said

Regarding the money from his crime, Arief could not convey it because it was still being investigated.

He said he would convey overall during the case's press coference.

"Later, when the press release is released, yes, yesterday it was arrested, the person already exists. For the investigation material, we will convey it to the chronology," he said.

Muhammad Dian Permana (27) chairman of the music concert committee Lentera Festival 2024 Tangerang was arrested in connection with the burning of the music concert stage at Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, Sunday night, June 23.

The man is suspected of having embezzled money from payers of a number of comfort bands.

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