JAKARTA - Gambling has long been a difficult social problem to overcome, especially with the emergence of online gambling which is now increasingly accessible. By using only mobile phones and internet connections, all people can get caught up in the euphoria of digital gambling that offers instant expectations for wealth.
Head of the FKUI-RSCM Jakarta Psychiatric Department, Dr. Kristiana Site Kurniasanti, revealed that online gambling causes addiction through a reward system mechanism in the brain that produces dopamine, even without physical substances such as drugs. This surge in dopamine creates a sense of joy that makes people continue to gamble, but has long damaged the prefrontal vortex, the area of the brain that controls decisions and self-control.
Online gambling addiction also triggers physical symptoms such as anxiety and heart palpitations when not playing, similar to withdrawal syndrome in addictive addicts. If not treated immediately, this addiction can cause severe depression to the idea of suicide.
"In terms of drugs, there are substances that go into the brain, while in online gambling, no physical substances come in. However, gambling activities activate a reward system in the brain that produces chemicals called dopamine," he explained, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, November 16.
dominoes from gambling addiction often lead to debt bondage. Losing addicts constantly borrow money from online loan services for gambling again, hoping to win and pay off debts. When they continue to fail, they even fall into criminal acts such as theft.
One of the big challenges to stopping online gambling is "cognitive error," where addicts believe they can predict probability-based game results, such as Bakarat, even though the reality is otherwise. This requires treatment through therapy.
Online gambling ads that spread on social media are exacerbating this problem. The ad is targeting users with algorithms, triggering cranes to return to gambling. "Iklan stimulates the front side of the brain, raising the urge to play again," said dr. Siste.
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