Police Officers Suspected Of Murdering Rizka And Aprilia In North Sumatra Are Threatened With 15 Years In Prison

MEDAN - A police officer at the Belawan Port Police in North Sumatra, namely the Junior Second Lieutenant RS, faces 15 years in prison for the murder of Rizka Fitria and Aprilia Cinta.

"The suspect is subjected to Article 340 in conjunction with Article 338 of the Criminal Code with the threat of 15 years imprisonment," said the Head of Sub-Division of Public Information of the North Sumatra Regional Police, Grand Commissioner Adjutant MP Nainggolan, in Medan, as quoted by Antara, Monday, March 1.

Currently, the suspect has been detained and examined. "We are firm and professional even though the perpetrators are members of the police," he said.

The murder that was carried out by the Junior Second Lieutenant RS was motivated by heartache, which began with his meeting with Fitria. At that time, Fitria asked the hospital to deliver a deposit to the detainees at the Belawan Port Police Headquarters cell.

Then on Saturday, February 20, Fitria and Cinta went to the hospital to ask about the deposit at a hotel on Jamin Ginting Street, Medan.

They both came to the hotel after being forced by the hospital. RS's reason, to resolve the dispute between them that happened before. At the hotel, Fitria and Cinta were strangled.

Furthermore, their bodies were disposed of separately. Fitria's body was found on the side of Lintas Street, Perbaungan District, Serdang Bedagai (Sergai) Regency, Monday, February 22.

Meanwhile, Cinta's body was found on Budi Kemasyarakatan Lingkungan 24 Street, Pulo Brayan City Village, West Medan District.

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