YOGYAKARTA The learning method is a way that educators use to convey materials to students so that they can be understood properly. In the world of education, there are various learning methods that can be practiced so that learning activities in class run effectively and fun.

The term method comes from the danger of Greek methodos which means way or way. Thus, the method can be interpreted as a way of doing something.

What is meant by the learning method is a way of learning that is focused on achieving a goal in the teaching and learning process.

So, what are the various learning methods that can be applied? Check out the full information below.

Compiled from various sources, the following are a variety of effective, efficient, and fun learning methods:

Lectures are the most commonly used learning methods by educators. This method is applied by explaining concepts, principles, and facts.

Learning from the lecture method has several advantages, including:

While the lack of lecture learning methods, namely:

Generally, at the end of the lecture method, it will be closed with a question and answer session. Teachers can combine lecture methods with other methods.

The discussion method is implemented by exchanging opinions, information or elements of experience regularly.

The discussion method can involve teachers and all students, where students will be trained to issue and develop ideas.

The discussion learning method has many advantages, including:

On the other hand, this learning method also has several weaknesses, such as:

When carrying out this method, students will usually be faced with a problem (can be in the form of a problematic statement or question) to be discussed and solved together.

The game learning method (game method) aims to build pleasure and interest in the lesson process.

When implementing this method, teachers will play the following role:

As for the example of the game learning method, namely alphabet games and numbers, word games in English, drawing games, and many more. The types of games can be adjusted to the age of students and their subjects.

That's information about various learning methods. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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