YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever been amazed by the flexibility and beauty of the rhythmic gymnastics movements? Did you know that behind each graceful movement there is a pattern of steps in the rhythmic structured gymnastics?

The pattern of steps is a series of leg movements that are carried out repeatedly and follow the rhythm of the music. A diverse and precise pattern of steps will provide beauty and variety in the appearance of a rhythmic gymnastics athlete.

Reporting from the Rhythmic Gymnastics page, the first pattern in rhythmic gymnastics is getting to know a combination of steps.

The combination of dance steps consists of a series of moves with the body and tools dedicated to expressing the stilistic interpretation of music. The moves must be defined and fit the rhythm of the music.

This movement must involve all body segments, ranging from head, arms, shoulders, hips, legs, to leg.

Regularly you have to train and have at least two combinations of dance steps. These moves must last eight seconds. During this time, gymnasts cannot perform high throws or pre-acrobatic elements.

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Thus, rhythmic gymnastics combines ballet and dance elements with acrobatics. Rhythmic gymnasts will usually feature five separate routines, each involving different tools. Unlike artistic gymnastics, there are no tumblings or tools to ride in this exercise.

All of these styles of movement must be in accordance with routine and musical characters ranging from classic, folkloric, to modern, among them.

The combination of Dance Steps must include various movements specifically used for character choreography and securities purposes. Basic dance (BD) movements such as "cabriole" jumps, "passé" balance, and so on that have a basis for traditional dances and a value of 0.10 can be included.

Traveling modality is a way for gymnasts to move in the floor area, must vary and vary.

Every movement in rhythmic gymnastics must also be in line with the musical style and character of certain movements, and not a generic movement across the floor (such as walking, stepping, running) with the handling of tools.

Practice carefully rolling the ball from one hand, down your arm, across the back of your neck, and under the other arm. You can also throw the ball up high in the air and catch it with your feet or feet. Try throwing the ball and finish the trick, like a front walkover, then catch the ball.

The ball is usually made of rubber or synthetic rubber. The diameter is 18 to 20 cm (7.25 to 8 inches) and must weigh above 400 g (0.9 lb). The ball can be any color.

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