YOGYAKARTA - Eating disorders in the elderly can appear suddenly. If not immediately addressed, this can cause malnutrition so that it is easily susceptible to disease and has anemia. In addition, malnutrition can also make the body often weak and unpowered.

In conditions like this, it is necessary to treat appetite for the elderly so that they can improve their poor appetite. So, what are the recommended food medicines for the elderly? Collected from various sources, along with more information.

The supply of drugs, whether tablets or sirens that contain temulawak extract, can stimulate the desire to eat in the elderly.

In addition to increasing appetite, temulawak also has other health benefits, such as overcoming digestive problems, reducing inflammation, lowering blood fat, and maintaining liver health.

Disorders of appetite in the elderly can be caused by a lack of zinc or zinc intake. Lack of zinc can reduce the ability of the sense of smell and taste.

Therefore, zinc supplements are needed in order to improve poor appetite. The daily zinc needs for the elderly are as follows:

A study conducted by Dialysis and Transplantation states that people who undergo dialysis due to kidney failure disorders and are given zinc supplements for 60 days experience an increase in appetite rather than those who are not given zinc supplements every day.

Supplements containing omega-3 can also be a medicine for appetite for the elderly.

In addition to increasing appetite, omega-3 also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that the body needs. High sources of omega-3 are contained in fish oil supplements.

Adapting Healthy Eating, cancer sufferers who consume omega-3 regularly in the form of fish oil supplements every day will experience a faster weight gain than those who do not consume omega-3.

Therefore, if the elderly lose their appetite, give them an intake of omega-3 according to the recommended dose.

Apart from being obtained from fish oil supplements, omega-3 is also found in food such as fish, seafood, eggs, seeds, nuts, cucumbers, and dark green sauran such as spinach, kale, and bok choy.

Elderly who have eating disorders are also advised to take vitamin B1. This vitamin works with a neurotransmitter in the brain to tell the body that the stomach is hungry.

The need for vitamin B1 can be met by consuming multivitamins and minerals. In addition, vitamin B1 can be found in foods such as murals, seeds, eggs, milk, green vegetables, and so on.

That's information about the medicine of appetite for the elderly. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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