JAKARTA Microsoft Word is one of the multipurpose platforms designed to facilitate work flow. The software released since 1983 can make documents in word form. Although this application continues to be developed annually, and is one of the mandatory applications on a computer, there are still many users who make mistakes when using the application. Here are some errors that you should avoid. Emphasizing Enter to Give Distance Quoting from How to Geek, one of the biggest errors in using Word is to press the Enter key on the keyboard to separate the alignment or paragraph. In fact, this action will cause problems on the format. You may cause a first row of pages that are not aligned or struggling in managing the font as a whole. To provide an inter-text or paragraph spacing, you can change the paragraph setting. First, the entire blog of sentences you want to set, then click on a small icon in the lower right corner in the Paragraph group. After that, input the desired amount of distance in the Spasi section or using the Auto setting of Word. Using More than One Font While using Word, you are free to choose the desired font. Moreover, Microsoft presents quite a wide selection. Although the choice is abundant, never use more than one font in the document. This rule is very applicable if the document to be made is formal documents, such as for college or work purposes. Using too many fonts will reduce the credibility and documents will appear inconsistent.

Press Enter to Start a New Page The last error you should avoid is using the Enter button to start a new page. This action remains prohibited even though the remaining distance between the previous page and the next page is very small. The use of too many paragraphs will make the page irregular. The best way to start a new page is to open the Layout tab, then search for the Breaks menu. After that, select the Next Page.

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