PT Pertamina Patr Niaga emphasized that it is ready to carry out government assignments to distribute subsidized fuel in accordance with the quota set by the government.

Just so you know, the amount of fuel subsidy quota in 2025 has been determined based on the Decree of the Head of BPH Migas No. 66/P3JBT/BPH MIGAS/KOM/2024 for the distribution of subsidized fuel for Biosolar Types with a quota of 17.3 million KL and Pertalite with a quota of 31.1 million KL.

"We have received the amount of quota and are ready to distribute it for 2025 and we continue to realize subsidies on target through the QR Code digital system while waiting for the scheme to be set by the Government," said Pertamina Patra Niaga Corporate Secretary Heppy Wulansari, Friday, January 3.

Heppy added, throughout 2024, Biosolar transactions have been recorded 100 percent digitally.

Meanwhile, for Pertalite 93.9 percent of transactions have been recorded digitally, of which 97.03 percent are distributed to vehicles and the remaining 2.97 percent are to fisheries businesses, agricultural businesses, MSMEs, and public services such as health facilities and BNPB.

It is known that Pertamina Patra Niaga last year distributed 16.648.912 Kilo liters (KL) from a quota of 16.940.519 KL.

Meanwhile, Pertalite was 29,700,081 KL from the quota of 31,604,602 KL.

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