A Pilgrim Missing In Mount Sanggabuana Karawang Found In Limp Condition
Officers evacuate missing pilgrims in Karawang/ Antara

JAKARTA - A pilgrim from Mount Sanggabuana tourist area, Karawang Regency, West Java, who was reported missing has been found safe, Friday, May 21.

"The victims reported missing for the last 24 hours have now been found by joint officers and have been evacuated", said Head of Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Karawang Yasin Nasrudin, in Karawang, Friday, May 21, reported Antara.

The victim was named as Aris Ramdani (17), from Kobak Biru Village, Karang Mulya II Village, Telukjambe District, Karawang.

He mentioned that the condition of the victims who were pilgrims in Mount Sanggabuana was found safe. But it must be taken to the nearest health center because the condition is limp because of the cold.

"After being evacuated, the victim was immediately taken to the nearest health center to be given the first treatment by medical personnel," he said.

Aris is one of 14 pilgrims from Tanjungpura Karawang.

Aris was previously declared missing after saying goodbye to asking permission to defecate on Thursday afternoon, May 20. Then it did not return until it was finally declared lost.

It wasn't until Friday morning that the victim was found safe.

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