JAKARTA - Lebanese President Joseph Aoun asked the international community to change its statement in supporting peace in Lebanon into concrete action.

Aoun stressed the importance of implementing the UN Resolution 1701 and the establishment of a ceasefire agreement in Lebanon. which has been agreed upon by Israel and Hezbollah.

"The implementation of the UN Resolution 1701 and the ceasefire agreement are important issues that require attention and caution," Aoun said at Dar Al-Fatwa on Saturday evening, March 15 local time, quoted from AP.

He also emphasized that Lebanon's sovereignty, security and stability depended on enforcement of international resolutions, withdrawal of Israeli troops, and repatriation of Lebanese prisoners.

Aoun said Lebanon could not reach stability if tensions continued along the southern border of its country.

Aoun's statement was delivered amid new tensions that occurred along the Lebanese-Israeli border.

On Saturday, March 15, Israeli drones targeted vehicles in the village of Bourj El-Mlouk. As a result, one was killed in the attack.

The Israeli military claims the victim was a member of Hezbollah, although the Lebanese state-owned National News Agency did not provide further details.

The Israeli airstrikes were carried out amid a ceasefire initiated by the United States (US).

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