JAKARTA - More than a year after a devastating winter destroyed almost all of his sheep, animal breeders named Zandan Lkhamsuren (48) still survive extreme weather in their country, Mongolia.
Mongolia is a vast country, becoming one of the most affected by climate change.
According to several calculations, Mongolia is warming three times faster than the average country in the world. This is based on the relationship between rising temperatures and extreme weather ranging from drought, flooding to heat waves and cold weather.
In Mongolia, the impact is very striking. Cold weather has been the cause of the death of mad livestock in Mongon.
A herd of sheep in Mongolia, which used to breed quickly, is now weak and prone to death due to the country's extreme cold weather.
"Last year's cold season was my hardest experience," Zandan told AFP.
Zandan said when his sheep region died from a devastating winter more than a year ago, the day's temperature could reach minus 32 degrees Celsius (minus 25.6 degrees Fahrenheit), while at night minus 42C.
The temperature was followed by heavy snowfall and frozen soil, making sheep unable to find food. As a result, a herd of animals consisting of 278 sheep died, only two managed to survive.
"Our son used to cover all our expenses, and we used to live very well," said Zandan.
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