JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or KAI provides 28,364 seats as part of the SOE Free Homecoming program. strategic routes served in this program include Madiun Jaya, Tawang Jaya Premium, Mataraja and others.
KAI Vice President Public Relations Anne Purba stated that the SOE Free Homecoming program is a tangible form of the Ministry of SOEs and KAI in presenting safe and economic modes of transportation for the community.
"We understand that homecoming is a very much awaited time for the community. With this program, we hope that people can enjoy a more comfortable journey without having to worry about transportation costs," Anne said in an official statement, Monday, March 17.
Anne said the free homecoming journey of SOEs by train took place from 23 to 28 March 2025 and involved various train series that would serve various strategic routes such as Madiun Jaya, Tawang Jaya Premium, Mataraja and other KA-KA.
Furthermore, Anne said this program is a synergy between KAI and nine other SOEs to ensure that travelers can travel more calmly and happily by train.
"Registration for the SOE Free Homecoming program has been going on from March 3 to March 17, 2025 today. The registration process is carried out through the platform or website of each SOE and its subsidiaries. However, all data on travelers have been integrated to avoid registration duplication," explained Anne.
In supporting the SOE Free Homecoming program, KAI has also prepared various supporting facilities at stations and on trains. Starting from improving cleaning services, providing comfortable waiting rooms, to responsive information services.
"This is done to ensure a better travel experience for travelers," he said.
In addition, in order to provide maximum comfort, KAI has also prepared extra security measures by adding personnel at various strategic points, both at stations and on trains.
"It is hoped that travelers can feel safer during their trip to their hometown," he said.
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