JAKARTA - The leader of the World Catholic Church, Pope Francis visited Indonesia from 3-6 September 2024. Despite holding the Vatican Head of State, he was present in simplicity during his visit this time. Pope Francis headed for Indonesia on a commercial plane ITA Airways. He landed at Terminal 3, Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Then, Pope Francis chose to be picked up with Kijang Innova Zenix. He sat on the front passenger seat. While in Indonesia, Pope Francis did not want to stay in a luxury hotel and instead chose to stay at the Vatican Embassy. Strict guard was also deployed around the area.

Jakarta DPRD member from the PDI-P (PDIP) faction, Hardiyanto Kenneth, welcomed Pope Francis for a historic state and Apostolic visit to Indonesia, so that he could further strengthen relations between the Vatican and Indonesia, especially in the spirit of humanity, love and tolerance between religious communities.

"Welcome Your Excellency Sri Pope Francis to Indonesia," Kenneth said in his statement, Wednesday, September 4.

The man who is familiarly called Bang Kent also admired the figure of Pope Francis who gave an example of simplicity in his visit to Indonesia. This should also be used as an example for state officials in Indonesia and all religious people, so as not to live in luxury.

"With the simplicity style of Pope Francis, it can be used as an example for all officials in Indonesia, including me. I am very amazed and goosebumps seeing Pope Francis' courage and very modest character by boarding a commercial plane towards Indonesia and not asking for luxurious facilities during his visit to Indonesia, both vehicles and places to stay. I believe that the arrival of Pope Francis this time is not a coincidence. Apart from being a tauladanan suri, this also carries a very deep message, that being the head of state or a public figure must prioritize simplicity and a spirit who loves others and this can be a strong warning to all state officials in this country, "said Kent.

The chairman of the IKAL PPRA LXII Lemhannas RI hopes that with the arrival of Pope Francis, it will increase religious harmony in Indonesia, and have a significant impact on changes in the faith of its people and the development of Catholic churches in Indonesia.

"With his simple and loving attitude, Pope Francis has won the hearts of many people around the world. And his visit to Indonesia this time, is expected to bring a message of peace and unity to all religious people, the more felt through Pope Francis' presence this time," he said.

As is known, Pope Francis arrived in Indonesia on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, to start an academic visit for a week. This is the Pope's first visit to Indonesia after 35 years, since Pope John Paul II's visit in 1989.

Pope Francis was the first Pope to come from America. He is originally named Jorge Mario Bergoglio and was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on December 17, 1936.

Currently, he is 87 years old and has served as Pope since March 13, 2013. He has also been the first non-European Pope since Pope Gregorius III of Syria died in 741.

Known for his simplicity, Pope Francis rejects the various luxurys usually associated with his position. He prefers to stay in a simple guesthouse rather than the luxury Apostolic Palace in the Vatican.

Pope Francis will carry out various activities in Indonesia. Among other things, he made a state visit with President Joko Widodo at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.

Then, the Pope will also lead the grand mass at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium, Thursday, September 5, 2024. This event is expected to be attended by thousands of Catholics and broadcast live.

Pope Francis' presence in Indonesia is part of a series of visits to several Asian countries. After Indonesia, he is scheduled to visit Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Singapore.

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