JAKARTA - Authorities are investigating the motive of a Saudi doctor suspected of an attack on the Christmas market in the German city of Magdeburg. The attack by crashing a car into a crowd killed five people and injured dozens more.

Reporting from Reuters on Sunday, December 22, Magdeburg prosecutor Horst Nopens said one of the possible factors was the suspect's frustration with the handling of Germany against Saudi refugees.

The perpetrator is said to have had a history of anti-Islamic rhetoric.

The suspect, a 50-year-old psychiatrist who lived in Germany for nearly two 20 years, was arrested at the scene after a three-minute attack in the city center that shocked the country.

The police did not name the suspect, identified by German media as Taleb A.

During the attack, the perpetrator drove the vehicle slowly to the market, before increasing speed and breaking through the crowd.

Those killed were a nine-year-old and four adults, Magdeburg city official Ronni Krug said.

About 41 others were seriously injured or critical.

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