JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR criticized various anarchist actions carried out by the security forces to the demonstrators in the community action against the revision of the Pilkada Law (RUU). The DPR also highlighted the alleged demand for ransom and doxing by officers to the participants of the demonstration.

Based on information, there were more than 300 participants who were arrested in the demonstration against the revision of the Pilkada Law in front of the DPR Building, Jakarta, on Thursday, August 22. Currently, the demonstrators who have been arrested have begun to be released after being guaranteed by the leadership of the DPR.

"This young Indonesian democracy fighter should be supported and protected, not even arrested. We ask the security forces to immediately release the demonstrators who have not been released. Not only those in Jakarta, but also in the regions," said Member of Commission III of the DPR Gilang Dhielafararez, Saturday, August 24.

Gilang emphasized that Indonesia is a democratic country where demonstrations are protected by the constitution. So that the security forces should not arrest demonstrators who do not carry out provocations.

"Demonstration is a right guaranteed by the constitution. It is important for officials to respect this right as long as the demonstration is peaceful and does not violate the law," said Gilang.

"Arrests must be carried out according to legal procedures and human rights must be maintained," he continued.

According to Gilang, if there are indeed provocations, they must be investigated according to the applicable rules and do not just play catch. Security forces should be able to take a more humane approach.

"The use of excessive violence can worsen the situation and create distrust between society and the apparatus. The apparatus should be more humane while in the field to be more effective in reducing tensions," explained Gilang.

The legislator from Central Java II also criticized various acts of violence against the demonstrators whose videos were widely spread across the public and social media. Gilang said that he found many reports of alleged violations by the authorities in the form of intimidation, persecution, and violence against demonstrators to journalists covering the action.

"Demonstration is a public form in expressing opinions in this democratic country. Security institutions must investigate its members who are suspected of committing violence against demonstrators, journalists, and other elements of society during yesterday's demonstration," he explained.

"Security forces should protect and protect the public, if there is friction, don't just play around, kick me, or shoot tear gas. Moreover, this demonstration is purely due to people's anger," continued Gilang.

The Advocacy for Democracy (TAUD) team at a press conference at the YLBHI Building said the handling of security forces at demonstrations by elements of society and students rejected the revision of the Pilkada Law in the DPR was considered brutal. So that many demonstrators are injured due to the handling carried out by the authorities.

A number of brutal actions including beatings with sticks by officers, to brutal and measurable shooting of tear gas. As a result, civilians who did not participate in demonstrations were also affected. Violence by the authorities also occurred in a number of areas that also held demonstrations.

There were even several demonstrators who suffered serious injuries, such as Bale Bandung University (Unibba) students who had to undergo eye surgery because they were suspected of being hit by stones from the direction of the authorities during a demonstration in front of the West Java DPRD building in Bandung City.

Gilang also supports the efforts of the leadership of the DPR who will form a special team to monitor injured victims due to clashes at the demonstration.

"Security forces must act professionally and proportionally in dealing with demonstrations. Commission III of the DPR condemns acts of violence by officers during the Pilkada Bill demonstration, which also harms the general public a lot. Security forces must be held accountable," he stressed.

Furthermore, Gilang highlighted allegations of extortion by officers who asked for a ransom for the release of the arrested demonstrators. IPW also reported that the demonstrators were limited to legal assistance.

"The request for money for the release of the arrested demonstrators has entered the extortion category. What's true is, why is the action to defend democracy like this, how come it is still used as objective material. If it is proven until this is proven, there must be an evaluation," said Gilang.

The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation or YLBHI revealed that one of the demonstration periods that was arrested and detained was reportedly asked for a ransom of Rp. 3 million if he wanted to be released. Gilang regretted the alleged extortion and demanded clarification from the security forces.

"If that is true, it is very sad. Law enforcement officers are still looking for loopholes to gain profits in a state situation like this. Strict action against the perpetrators if they are proven to have committed extortion," said the Deputy Chairman of the DPR BKSAP.

In addition to the issue of violence against protesters, news circulated that there were allegations of doxing from social media accounts of officers. Doxing is in the form of the threat of kidnapping students who demonstrated in front of the DPR building.

The account uploaded a photo in the form of an Instagram Story screenshot showing a student demonstrator with a threatening caption. The account also spreads the identity of the demonstrators student.

"It has entered the doxing or the dissemination of other people's personal information on social media without the knowledge of the person concerned. It is not justified and we ask the police to immediately conduct an internal investigation to identify the members in question," explained Gilang.

Gilang considers this to be incompatible with the ethics and professionalism of the work. According to him, the case of the threat of kidnapping and doxing of students who demonstrated in the DPR Building is very worrying.

"Actions like this not only violate human rights and freedom of expression, but also create a climate of fear that could hinder public participation in the democratic process," he said.

"Doxing actions, especially if carried out by security members, are serious violations that must be handled firmly and transparently. If found guilty, the person involved must be subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions, including the possibility of dismissal," added Gilang.

The member of Commission III of the DPR in charge of security, law and human rights explained that the impact of this doxing could be trauma for victims and families. For this reason, Gilang asked the party responsible for improving education and training for its members on professional ethics and human rights so that doxing does not occur in the future.

"Doxing victims must be given protection and support, including legal and psychological assistance. This helps them recover from trauma and continue their activities without fear," he said.

"And make sure there should be no omission to the doxing actions carried out by the security forces to the community because this is also a form of arrogance by the authorities," concluded Gilang.

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