TANGERANG - The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (KP2MI) is helping the process of repatriating migrant workers from Jember, East Java named Hanifah who are experiencing work problems in Saudi Arabia.
There are two Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) from Jember, namely Hanifa and Siti Khoiriyah who made a video to ask the government for help so that they could be returned to their area of origin.
The request for assistance home, after months of working in Saudi Arabia without receiving a work wage from his employer.
"This is one of the steps taken by the government to repatriate our problematic PMI in Saudi Arabia. It is our common note and concern how much exploitation is still being carried out in various regions and we maximize assistance," said Deputy Minister of PPMI Zulfikar A. Tawalla in Tangerang, Antara, Sunday, January 5.
The repatriation process carried out for migrant workers from Jember is the result of cooperation between the Indonesian government and the Saudi Arabian government which continues to be carried out.
Both of them can be immediately repatriated by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia via ethhopian AirLines ET628 Jeddah-Jakarta aircraft this Sunday.
"The first return was made to Mrs. Hanifah through Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Soetta), Tangerang, Banten at 17.05 Ethopian AirLines ET628 aircraft," he said.
Meanwhile, for the next repatriation of migrant workers, Siti Khoiriyah will be carried out with the same process through Jakarta flights, via Soetta Airport.
Upon arrival, these migrant workers will soon be returned to their hometowns after going through a data collection and health check process at BP3MI Banten.
"For the time being, migrant workers from Jember will first collect data at BP3MI Banten, after that we will return them to their hometowns," he said.
According to Zulfikar, the two migrant workers from Jember who experienced problems in Saudi Arabia left for work did not go through official (non-periosedural) procedures. "So this is indeed non-procedural, because until today we have not opened the moratorium for placement in Saudi Arabia," he said.
He added that until now there have been 500 non-procedural Indonesian migrant workers who have been successfully repatriated from their countries of work.
"In the future, of course, we will maximize supervision. And the next is how the migration campaign is safe by providing wide access to information to the public, that safe migration is a form of guarantee from the country when it reaches the country of placement," he said.
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