JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Saifullah Yusuf or Gus Ipul invites all parties to actively create an ecosystem for the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Social Affairs while attending the commemoration of World Economy Day at the Monas Horse Statue area, Jakarta, on Sunday, January 5.

"Today we are both commemorating World Day, from the existing data, showing we need a big step in the context of respecting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities," said the Minister of Social Affairs, confiscated by Antara.

The Minister of Social Affairs emphasized that people with disabilities have the same needs as non-disabled communities. They need protection and social security, as well as the fulfillment of basic rights by the state and the entire community who must care for each other's protection and respect for persons with disabilities.

"People with disabilities need recreation, work, so it's the same as us. For that, we must respect as we respect others," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

He reminded that the protection and respect for the basic rights of persons with disabilities is one of the big agendas of the Government in order to strengthen social transformation as stated in the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) for 2025-2045. All of this aims to support the realization of the United, Sovereign, Advanced, and Sustainable Vision of Indonesia.

"There is Law Number 8 of 2016, it is a legal umbrella for all of us to provide protection to persons with disabilities," he said.

The Minister of Social Affairs also explained that as many as seven percent of Indonesia's population or 11.3 million people are people with disabilities with various categories, while the number of people with moderate and severe disabilities in Indonesia is 1.9 million people.

"This is our big homework going forward to jointly provide opportunities for people with disabilities to access their basic rights," he said.

He added that currently the Government is processing government regulations on concessions and incentives for persons with disabilities, which will make it easier for people with disabilities to access basic services.

"Currently, the finalization stage of Government Regulations regarding the concession for disabilities is being finalized," he said.

In realizing the respect for the rights of persons with disabilities, his party is also aggressively collaborating with various parties.

President of the Indonesian Aspiration House, Arief Pribadi, who was also present at the event, said that his foundation provided various basic services for persons with disabilities, one of which was the right to obtain education in the form of developing braille literacy and disseminating information in documents translated into braille letters.

"He (Mensos) is very concerned with friends with disabilities. Hopefully his presence can raise friends with disabilities. Today there will also be the submission of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Regional Regulation (Perda) which was made and reprinted using braille letters by people with disabilities," said Arief.

Responding to this, the Head of the Jakarta Provincial Social Service, Premi Lasari, said that his party had made improvements through the DKI Jakarta Provincial Regulation Number 4 of 2022 which not only regulates respect, but also protection and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities.

In the regional regulation, there are 18 aspects that must be met in order to improve infrastructure and services as well as facilities for persons with disabilities in Jakarta.

One of the people with visual disabilities who attended, Fajar Setiadi (22), a Jakarta resident with achievements as a Jakarta contingent representing Indonesia at the 2023 ASEAN Para Games in Cambodia, emphasized that disability was not a barrier to him.

"Disability is not a barrier to achievement and continue to work," said Fajar.

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