YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian government will implement two schemes of government employees with a work agreement (PPPK), which is full of time and part-time. So how much is PPPK's salary for part-time and what are the terms of work?

"For non-ASN employees who have participated in the 2024 CASN selection but have not passed to meet formation vacancies, a special mechanism will be prepared by being appointed as a part-time PPPK," Anas said in a working meeting with Commission II of the DPR RI last year.

The part-time PPPK scheme is intended for honorary staff who do not pass the 2024 PPPK selection. This provision is stated in the Decree of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kepmenpan-RB) Number 347 of 2024 concerning the PPPK Selection Mechanism for Fiscal Year 2024.

The provisions or rules regarding this work scheme are very important to understand by honorary staff as preparation. Let's know how much part-time PPPK salaries and job provisions must be known by honorary staff.

Part-time PPPK is a scheme for state civil servants (ASN) to be held to avoid termination of employment for honorary workers starting November 28, 2023. Actually, PPPK is both a civil servant, but their working hours are less or less than full of time.

This part-time PPPK status will change to full-time if it has passed the performance evaluation process and administrative requirements. In terms of the work system, this ASN category is different from full-time PPPK.

Here are some provisions regarding part-time PPPK that must be understood:

The part time work system is a new scheme in the world of ASN work. Previously there were only two categories, namely civil servants and PPPK for full time.

The part-time scheme means that the ASN does not work in full time such as civil servants or full-time PPPK. This PPPK is included in the ASN category, which is higher than the honorary staff. This employee also receives salaries for activities or work that are carried out outside his status.

The regulation is applied as a solution so that honorary workers do not lose their jobs and reduce their income. In addition, there is no additional government budget burden for personnel spending.

Regarding the salary received by PPPK at half-time, the amount is not greater than full-time. However, this part-time employee is also not required to be present at the office for a full day as applied to civil servants and full-time PPPK.

The provision of salaries for part-time PPPK will be adjusted to the duties, fields, and authorities held by each agency. Each agency has a salary range that can be different.

Based on the salary rules for honorary workers listed in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 83 of 2022 concerning Standard Input Fee for Fiscal Year 2023, the salary range set ranges from IDR 2.07 million to IDR 5.61 million.

This range provides an overview of the average salary of part-time employees, which is influenced by factors such as working hours, responsibilities, employment fields, and the authority of each employee.

Referring to the DPR document entitled Part-time PPPK Option to Overcome Honorary in Indonesia, part-time employees work for four hours per day, in contrast to ASN and full-time PPPK who work eight hours a day.

Demikian informasi mengenai beberapa gaji PPPK parti waktu dan ketentuan kerjanya yang berbeda dengan PPPK penuh waktu. Pegawai PPPK parti waktu akan menerima salary dengan nominal tidak sebesar full time. Baca juga tenaga honorary yang tidak lolos CASN akan dijadikan jadi PPPK parti waktu.

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