Deputy Minister of Komdigi, Nezar Patria, said that he would open up opportunities for the involvement of all stakeholders for the formulation of more comprehensive regulations regarding the management of artificial intelligence technology (AI).

Previously, the Ministry of Communication and Trade had released a Circular Letter of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Number 9 of 2023 concerning Artificial Intelligence Ethics. According to Nezar, the public's response was quite positive to the SE.

"The government needs to enforce more detailed regulations in line with the development of its use in Indonesia," said Nezar in his official statement quoted on Tuesday, January 7.

Nezar also stated that the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs is currently reviewing the form and basis of policy so that AI technology arrangements are more detailed.

"There is about Engine Technologies in the PDP Law (Personal Data Protection). Maybe later we can pull it down in the form of a Presidential Decree (Ministerial Regulation), for more detailed management," he said.

He invited the Presidential Special Staff for Creative Economy, Yovie Widiyanto, and his staff to join the planning to discuss the AI technology regulations.

"So at the beginning of January we will try to run this discussion, with the hope that we can draw up a draft. The form does not yet know what Permen is higher than that," he concluded.

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