JAKARTA - The Mahalini couple and Rizky Febian held a 7-month pregnancy event for their first child candidate. In this moment, Mahalini while praying was seen expressing her gratitude and gratitude to Rizky Febian. "Previously, for my beloved husband, I want to say thank you very much for having you so far, of course I can't reveal much about it," said Mahalini, quoted by VOI from Instagram @rumpi_gosip, Wednesday, January 8. Thank God Rizky Febian has become a good husband figure and really understands himself from the start until he gets married so he will become a father candidate. "But I just want to say thank you, you have been a very good husband, then you have become a very understanding husband from the beginning until now you want to have a baby," said Mahalini. Not to forget Mahalini also apologize to her husband if during marriage often hurt your heart.

"Di waktu yang baik ini izinkan aku minta maaf sama kamu atas segala apapunnya, mungkin yang menyakitkan kamu atau mungkin yang aku sengaja tidak sengaja menyakitkan hati kamu," tuturnya.Sebelumnya, Mahalini dan Rizky Febian mengumumkan kehamilan anak pertama mereka melalui unggahan di instagram. Kabar ini langsung disambut bahagia oleh rekan artis dan penggemar mereka.

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