Penajam Paser Utara Police arrested three people suspected of being drug dealers in Sepaku District, an area that is part of the capital city of the archipelago (IKN).
"We are still investigating the drug cases with three perpetrators initials A (42), S (39) and T (25) who were arrested in the IKN area," said Head of the North Penajam Paser Police Narcotics Investigation Unit AKP Iskandar Rondonuwu in Penajam, Antara, Sunday, January 5.
"Investigation is carried out to reveal the origin of evidence and a network of dealers, because it is possible that there are other perpetrators," he added.
The case of drug abuse and trafficking with the three perpetrators was revealed after the North Penajam Paser Police received information from the people of Sepaku District.
Then the Drug Unit personnel immediately carried out an investigation around the location, then carried out a raid on one of the houses located in the IKN area.
"After receiving information that there are indications of drug abuse and trafficking from the public, we conducted an investigation at a house in Sepaku District," he explained.
When personnel carried out a raid on the house in the IKN area, Friday (3/1) night, he continued, it was found that the three perpetrators were in the living room of the house.
After a search of personnel from the Penajam Paser Utara Police Criminal Investigation Unit found evidence of eight packages of methamphetamine-type drugs weighing 23.78 grams.
"We confiscated 23.78 grams of crystal methamphetamine and Rp250 thousand in cash, allegedly the results of the transaction and several other pieces of evidence from the three perpetrators," said Iskandar Rondonuwu.
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