JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) of the Republic of Indonesia has sentenced Hasyim Asy'ari to be dismissed from the position of Chairman of the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU).

Hasyim was found guilty of immoral acts against one of the 2024 electoral committees (PPLN) for the 2024 General Election for Den Hag, the Netherlands.

"Imposing a permanent dismissal sanction to the defendant Hasyim Asy'ari as chairman and concurrently member of the Indonesian General Elections Commission since the verdict was read out," said Chairman of the Indonesian DKPP Heddy Lugito in a hearing reading the verdict in the DKPP RI courtroom, Jakarta, Wednesday, July 3.

In the trial of case Number 90/PKE-DKPP/V/2024, the Indonesian DKPP granted the complainant's total complaint.

DKPP also asked President Joko Widodo to replace Hasyim within 7 days of the reading of the verdict.

This trial started at 14.10 WIB. Hasyim Asy'ari in this trial was present virtually or online.

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