JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta and Medan are different. In DKI Jakarta, river normalization still becomes a discussion due to flooding, Medan started with normalizing trenches.
"I ensure that the normalization of Benteng II (AMD) Trench in Rengas Pulau Village, Medan Marelan District is being carried out well", said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, Friday, March 12.
“The trench normalization is done because of the large amount of soil in the trench, which causes flooding every time it rains.
Hopefully, this trench normalization can reduce flooding in Medan City", continued Bobby Nasution.
Floods in Medan City are still a problem. Various ways have been done. Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution already has a new strategy by dredging the Sulang Saling Trench.
Bobby said, it is hoped that the cleaning of the Sulang Saling Trench can be the answer to the handling of the flood problem. Although he admits that the trench is not the only solution.
Bobby Nasution explained that there must be a grand design for flood management in Medan. So mapping and flood management efforts are carried out in accordance with the results of a comprehensive study.

Bobby has issued an order to the Public Works and Subdistrict Offices as well as the Sanitation and Landscaping Service to correct and clean the Sulang Saling Trench.
This activity was carried out on Saturday, March 13 in six districts which were crossed by a large trench; Medan Amplas, City, Denai, Area, Perjuangan, and East.
Bobby said that the correcting and cleaning of the Sulang Saling Trenches had been budgeted for in the 2021 regional budget. The mayor said that the correcting and cleaning had to be done completely. It must also be carefully thought out where to dump the garbage and its sedimentation and its transportation.
What about the river normalization in DKI Jakarta?
DKI Jakarta Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria emphasized the commitment of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to prevent floods in Jakarta. The budget disbursed reached trillions of rupiah.
"Regarding the floods, our budget is approximately up to 20 percent of capital expenditure. So we are really concerned about the flood. So it must be noted, each year is never less than IDR 2 trillion, 2-3 trillion. That means more than 20 percent of capital expenditure, which is valued at IDR 9-10 trillion”, said Deputy Governor Riza, Friday, March 5.
This statement was conveyed by Riza when he was asked about the residents' class action lawsuit related to the Jakarta floods. Riza said that the lawsuit was the right of citizens, including citizens of Jakarta.
"In principle, our DKI Jakarta Provincial Government always works in accordance with the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) in accordance with the work plan, in accordance with existing regulations, according to our budget capacity", he continued.
Regarding river normalization, Deputy Governor Riza mentioned the stages that must be followed, including land acquisition with a large budget.
"Acquiring land in Jakarta and Ciawi, in Sukabumi is different. Freeing land and reservoirs in Ciawi and Sukabumi, approximately 1.3 trillion will get large reservoirs. Such a large number for land acquisition in Jakarta is not enough. We have budgeted that until 2024 there will be no less than IDR 5 trillion for land acquisition alone. For normalization, there are others. That is only Ciliwung, not other rivers”, said Riza.
What is certain is that Riza repeated the affirmation of the Jakarta Provincial Government's commitment and consistency in dealing with floods. Existing programs work with available budget support.
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