JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Metro Jaya Police will take action against cyclists who cross outside the bicycle lane.

The violators will be subjected to sanctions under Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

"Yes, that's right, we will sanction those who violate it," said Metro Jaya Police Traffic Director, Grand Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to VOI, Monday, March 8.

But for the enforcement mechanism, Sambodo hasn't yet given details. The enforcement rules are still being discussed because bicycles are not considered motorized vehicles.

"We will discuss this later on how to handle it technically," he said.

Sambodo said his party would take action against those who were stubborn. The reason is, the bicycle path has been provided.

"The important thing is we will be firm, we act. The impact could be accidents," he said.

For information in Article 299 of the Law on Traffic and Road Transportation of 2009, it is stated that every person driving a Non-Motorized Vehicle deliberately holds on to a Motor Vehicle to be towed, pulls objects that can endanger other road users, and/or uses the vehicle roadway as referred to in Article 122 letter a, letter b, or letter c, shall be punished with maximum light imprisonment of 15 (fifteen) days or a maximum fine of IDR 100,000 (one hundred thousand rupiahs).

Previously reported, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan realized 63 kilometers of bicycle paths in 2019. The routes made are prioritized for roads subject to the odd-even policy at this time. The width of the track is made of 1.25 meters.

The initial plan was for DKI to continue building 200 kilometers of bicycle paths by 2020. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit. The budget for making bicycle lanes has been diverted to deal with the pandemic. This year, DKI plans to build a permanent bicycle path.

"Currently, the construction of an 11.2-kilometer Sudirman-Thamrin permanent bicycle path is being carried out, which is targeted to be completed by the end of March 2021," said the Head of the Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo.

The permanent bicycle lane on this protocol road will be equipped with several facilities for cyclists. Among them are wayfinding, footrests at intersections in the bicycle path, and rest areas in the form of a bike rack on the sidewalk.

The DKI Provincial Government also has a target of making bicycle lanes with a total length of 578.8 kilometers for the next nine years. "There is a plan to develop a bicycle path from 2019 to 2030 along 578.8 kilometers," said Syafrin.

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