JAKARTA - Police are investigating the shooting case of an unknown person (OTK) killing a lawyer named Rudi S Gani in Patukku Limpoe Village, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel).
"We will not play games in handling this case. A joint team has been deployed and will work optimally until the perpetrators are caught," said Bone Police Chief AKBP Erwin Syah, when confirmed by reporters in Makassar, Sunday, January 5, confiscated by Antara.
He emphasized that he was committed to resolving this case to its roots, including arresting the perpetrators and revealing the mode of shooting of the victim until he finally died.
"I instruct all investigative teams to work professionally and not give the slightest gap. This case is our priority and is handled seriously to completion," he said.
The police chief said the lawyer died from gunshot wounds to his face. After being shot, the victim was rushed to the Lappariaja Health Center, but his life could not be saved.
From the statements of the witnesses collected, the incident occurred on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 at around 21.50 WITA. The victim and 20 of his family were holding a dinner on New Year's Eve 2025 in an office room that was in the process of being developed.
"At that time suddenly there was one sound of an eruption from outside the room," he said according to the results of the testimony of the witness who was asked for his statement.
The results of a temporary examination by the medical team of the Lappariaja Health Center stated that the victim suffered a gunshot wound to the right cheek below the eye.
"For further investigation, the body has been taken to the Bayangkara Hospital in Makassar City for an autopsy," he said.
In addition, a team from the Bone Police has carried out an investigation to investigate cases including examining witnesses and collecting evidence, carrying out an autopsy on the victim's body, examining forensic laboratories on projectiles found and conducting TKP investigations.
"The joint team consisting of Resmob Polda Sulsel, Resmob Polres Bone, and Polsek Lappariaja are still investigating in the field. We have also formed a special team that works 24 hours to handle this case," he said.
So far, the results of coordination with the Forensic Laboratory of the South Sulawesi Police are still investigating the evidence found. While the motive for the shooting, police investigators cannot confirm yet.
"We are still investigating and waiting for official results from various examinations to be carried out. We are working as quickly as possible but still being careful to ensure accurate results. We do not stop until the perpetrators are arrested," he said.
His party appealed to the public to remain calm and not to spread information that had not been verified regarding this case and to entrust the handling of the case to the police for disclosure.
The Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Pol. Didik Supranoto, previously said that the 49-year-old victim Rudi S Gani was shot dead, allegedly using an air rifle and not a firearm.
"So the results of the laboratory test stated that it was a projectile or weapon or an air rifle," he told reporters when confirmed in his office.
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