The ten ballot boxes damaged by being eaten by termites in the Gambir area will be returned by the Central Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) to the provider.

"Later we will return it to the provider as a replacement form," said Head of the Central Jakarta KPU Effniadiansyah when confirmed, Thursday, January 25.

He previously received reports from the ranks that 10 ballot boxes were damaged. Two of them were damaged by production defects, while the rest were damaged by termites.

"We have submitted a replacement to the provider and we have also reported it to the KPU of DKI Jakarta Province," he said.

The ballot boxes are stored in the Central Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Sudin Gulkarmat) office, Jalan KH Zainul Arifin No 71, Duri Pulo, Gambir. Efni regretted the uncontrollable situation due to high rainfall.

In fact, he has directed his staff to check the condition of ballot boxes every day since the rainy season came.

"As a mitigation step, as soon as it rains I immediately remind you, 'Please check all city warehouses in the sub-district. I'm afraid there will be leaks, embess, or other unwanted things'. PPK officers (District Election Committee) are already on standby, they immediately check," he said.

A few days later, a PPK officer reported that eight ballot boxes were damaged by termites. Then, Efni immediately took care of the damage.

"I gave mitigation directions on January 4. It was discovered on January 7th. That day I immediately took care of the replacement. It is hoped that (it will be completed) a maximum of D-7 elections on February 7, hopefully we will get (a new one)," he said.

Previously, it was reported that ten ballot boxes stored on the ground floor of the Central Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-dept. Office, Gambir District, were found damaged and perforated, allegedly due to being eaten by termites.

A member of the PPK Gambir Logistics Division, Ponco Margono, said that actually 10 ballot boxes were damaged. However, 8 of them were damaged because they were eaten by termites at the bottom.

"The other two boxes were not damaged by termites but were damaged during loading of goods. On December 27, we arrived and on December 28, we assembled them. While assembling, two boxes of holes were found," said Ponco Margono when confirmed, Tuesday, January 23.

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