JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health provides an emergency button or panic button to help pilgrims who need assistance, especially for those who are sick so that Hajj Service Officers (PPIH) and health workers on duty can act immediately.
"There are three layers (layers) that will help when panic button is emphasized, first, health workers (nakes) who will tour the area of pilgrims, second, doctors attached to the batch, and third are satellite clinics that we have built in an integrated manner," said Deputy Minister of Health Dante Saksono Harbuwono at the 2023 hajj evaluation in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.
The Deputy Minister of Health also said that most of the diseases detected in the elderly this year are hypertension or high blood pressure, in addition to diabetes, and lungs.
Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhajir Effendy, who led the agenda for the 2023 Hajj evaluation meeting, also emphasized the time span for responses when the emergency button was pressed.
"It depends if the place is far away, who is it and where the officers who catch the panic button signal, if the postal service at the hotel is very fast, but for example the congregation is traveling in Mina, and coincidentally there are no officers, maybe it takes quite a long time," said Muhadjir.
Muhadjir, who had visited the location in Medina, had also estimated the travel time needed by the health workers to immediately find the congregation who pressed the emergency button.
"If we look at the location in Medina, the settlement is not too far from the Prophet's Mosque, then in Makkah it takes a 10-minute trip if the bus, so it shouldn't take an hour if there is an panic button. We will also try to coordinate with the officers prepared by Saudi to provide several referral hospitals," he said.
Wamenkes Dante juga mengingatkan suhu tinggi di Arafah yang mencapai 50 C, maka risiko kesehatan juga akan semakin meningkat, untuk itu Kemenkes juga telah membuat panduaheat stroke.
"We have also made stroke guides for pilgrims who experience health problems due to high temperatures," he said.
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