JAKARTA - The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday, Europe could see an increase in the number of deaths from COIVD-19 by around 700.000 through March, bringing the total to more than 2.2 million.

The cumulative total of deaths from respiratory diseases in the WHO's 53 countries in the European region has surpassed 1.5 million, the statement said, with the daily rate doubling from late September to 4.200 per day.

To note, the WHO European region also includes Russia and other former Soviet Union Republics as well as Turkey.

"Cumulative reported deaths are projected to reach more than 2.2 million in the spring of next year, based on current trends," the WHO said, adding COVID-19 was now the top regional cause of death, cited from Reuters on November 24.

High or extreme stress in hospital intensive care units (ICUs) was expected in 49 of 53 countries as of March 1, the WHO added.

France, Spain, and Hungary are among the countries expected to experience extreme pressure in ICU use by early 2022, according to data cited by WHO Europe.

Meanwhile, the Netherlands began moving COVID-19 patients across the border into Germany on Tuesday, as pressure mounted on hospitals and infections spiked to record levels. Austria began its fourth lockdown on Monday.

The WHO said the high number of people who were not vaccinated and the reduced protection caused by the vaccine were among the factors driving the high transmission in Europe alongside the dominance of the Delta variant and the relaxation of hygiene measures.

WHO Europe director Hans Kluge urged people to get vaccinated and also to get a booster dose "if offered".

Separately, WHO officials at Geneva headquarters had previously advised against using the COVID-19 vaccine booster until more people around the world had received the primary dose. WHO officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment on whether this represented a change in official guidelines.

"We all have an opportunity and a responsibility to help prevent unnecessary tragedy and loss of life, and limit the further disruption to society and business during this winter," Kluge said.

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