JAKARTA - Having similar symptoms, hand disease, feet, and mouth or hands, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is often misinterpreted as Cacar Air. In addition, HFMD, better known as the Singapore Flu, is also a tropical disease that is very contagious and the majority is suffered by children, just like Cacar Air.

As parents, of course, it is very important to provide protection to children, especially from the trend of tropical diseases that have arisen over and over. Singapore's flu cases have reportedly jumped rapidly since entering 2024. A report from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes RI) stated that at the end of March 2024 there were more than 5,000 cases.

Then at the end of April, the Head of the Communication and Public Service Bureau of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tirmidzi in the Joint talk of Pro3 RRI Jakarta, revealed nearly 8,500 recorded cases. This figure indicates a spike trend after the Eid holiday and a sharp increase compared to the previous month.

JAGADIRI Insurance with St Hospital Carolus Summarecon Serpong held a series of financial literacy activities wrapped in a health seminar themed the Singapore Flu threat on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 with resource persons who specialize in St. Hospital. Carolus Summarecon Serpong, dr. Diana Yuliani Suryanto, Sp.A.

Then continued with a health seminar as well as financial literacy on Saturday, June 29, 2024 with the theme 'Keep Children: Don't Be Added to Understanding Singapore Flu and Waterpox'. This activity is carried out in a hybrid offline and online manner at St. Carolus Summarecon Serpong Hospital.

According to dr. Diana, Singapore's highly contagious Flu disease occurs in tropical climates and usually appears during the rainy season. This disease is caused by the Coxsackievirus (CA16) and Enterovirus (EV71) virus. Singapore flu is an infection disease that often attacks children, adolescents, and even adults. In a holiday season like this, we should also be more vigilant because usually the numbers go up a bit," explained Dr. Diana, quoted from a media statement, Sunday, June 30.

"We are from St Hospital. Carolus Summarecon Serpong really appreciate this literacy activity with JAGADIRI insurance, considering that the Singapore Flu is a very contagious disease and cases of infection are spreading rapidly in various regions," Diana added.

Apart from dr. Diana, at literacy activities at St. Carolus Summarecon Serpong Hospital, JAGADIRI Insurance also presents Financial Planner and Head of Life and Health Indonesia IBS RE, Susatyo Widodo, ANZIIF (Assoc) CIP, APAI, CFP, IFP, AEPP, QWP as well as Head of Sales Recruitment and Development Asuransi JAGADIRI, Juliana. These two sources are here to provide financial literacy to participants so that they can manage family finances better and more precisely. One way to manage finances is to have insurance protection for the family.

At that moment, Juliana also introduced Tropical Healthy Care Products from JAGADIRI Insurance. This product is specially designed to provide protection to children and adults ranging from the age of 3 months to 64 years from 11 tropical diseases, including Singapore Flu and Cacar Air. One of the advantages of Keeping Healthy Tropical is that customers can make claims without having to be hospitalized.

Not only Singapore Flu, as a tropical area, Indonesia is a place for the development of various diseases that are dangerous for children and families. Especially for the protection of the health of families and children from the potential for contracting dangerous tropical diseases, JAGADIRI Insurance comes with Tropical Healthy Care products.

No kidding, Keep Healthy Tropicals provides protection for 11 types of tropical diseases. Apart from HFMD and Cacar Air, we also provide protection for Chikungnya, Malaria, Zika, Campak, Rubela, Diphteri, Hepatitis A, Typoid Fever, and DHF,' said Juliana.

In line with Juliana, Financial Planner, Susatyo Widodo added that research by Marsh Benefits (MMB) regarding Health Trends 2024 reports that the trend of increasing global health costs is projected to grow to 11.6% and Asia at 11.4%. Meanwhile, Indonesia's health costs are predicted to continue to grow to 13.0%, or above the projected global health and Asian trends.

"As a long-term protection, insurance can help a person tidy up his financial governance, while creating a safety net facing risks in the future. Family health insurance will greatly ease medical costs and indirectly can contribute to maintaining the physical health and financial health of the family," explained Susatyo Widodo.

JAGADIRI's insurance noted that the risk-based capital (RBC) health level was at 944.26%, in 2023. This figure exceeds the minimum stipulated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) of 120%. This indicates that the company's finances are in good health.

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