JAKARTA - Washing sheets must be done regularly, for the sake of cleanliness so that it is comfortable to use during sleep. However, washing sheets can also not be done carelessly because it can affect the quality of the ingredients.
One of the things that is often debated in washing sheets is the use of hot water or not. Water that has hot temperatures can indeed kill germs.
However, launching from Homes & Gardens, washing sheets with hot water is not recommended. This is because hot water can damage the fabric and make the spots on the sheets harder to remove.
Washing sheets with hot water can also make the bright color fade faster. Therefore, it is better to wash the sheets in bright color using cold water.
However, washing sheets with hot water is also not something that is prohibited. This is because hot water is indeed useful in killing germs on the sheets.
However, before washing the sheets with hot water, you should check the sheet care label to find out the right washing water temperature guide so as not to damage the sheets.
The good temperature for washing the sheets is 40 degrees Celsius. However, the water temperature of 60 degrees Celsius can still be used to wash sheets and kill germs, but don't do it too often because it can shrink the sheet and shorten its life.
Washing sheets using hot water is highly recommended if the sheets are used after being used by sick people. Washing the sheets with hot water plus bleach with chlorine can kill bacteria and viruses, such as salmonella and rotavirus.
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