YOGYAKARTA - When you just have a baby new born, of course, your experience is very small, especially when it comes to choosing clothes, wow, you really need to know whose name is a tip to choose the size of your baby's clothes so that your little one can be comfortable to wear. Well, this time we will discuss it here, see until it's finished, yes!

The size of clothing for your little one is generally determined by age. However, keep in mind that children's development is very fast, so the size of the clothes can also change quickly.

Therefore, it is important to sort out the size of the child's clothing which is slightly larger than the child's body size. When before buying children's clothes, you should also be obliged to measure the child's body first. Measure the chest circumference, waist circumference, and child's hip circumference to ensure that the clothes you ordered are appropriate.

Why Choose The Size Of Children's Clothes Should Be Suitable?

Some aspects below are important for you to pay attention to before buying the children's clothes you are after.

I. Security Considerations

Clothing that is too tight can limit children's movements, thereby increasing the risk of injury. For example, clothes that are too tight can make it difficult for children to run or play.

II. Comfort

Clothing that is too tight can make children feel uncomfortable and can cause skin irritation. In contrast, clothes that are too loose can also make children feel uncomfortable and can cause clothes to be easily loose or stuck.

III. Adjustment

Suits that match the size will make your little one look neater and stylish. It will also be easier for you to add other knick-knacks or fashion items.

IV. Save

Suits that are suitable for size will be more efficient because there is no need to be replaced often because they are small.

The Size of the Baby and Toddler Clothes (Newborn - 3 Years)


Bobot (kg)

High (cm)

New born

1.8 3.6

43 53

3 months

4 4.9

55 61

6 months

5.4 6.3

63.5 68

9 months

6.8 8.1

71 73.6

12 months

8.6 9.5

76 78

18 months

9.5 10

81 84

24 months

10.8 12

84 86

2 years

10.8 12

86.3 91.4

3 years

13 - 14.5

94 99

Guidelines For Choosing Newborn Baby Clothes

Making safe clothes will be very useful for newborns. This is because clothes will continue to stick with your little one's skin all the time. Well, here are some guidelines for choosing the right newborn clothes:

I. Choose Newborn Baby Clothing With Soft Materials

As you know, newborn skin is still very sensitive and thinner than adult skin. This makes the baby's skin tend to be more easily irritated when exposed to chemicals or risky substances originating from clothing materials. Therefore, it is important for you to choose clothes for newborns made from soft cotton and able to absorb sweat well.

II. Adjust to the Needs of Babies

Having newborn clothes is indeed an exciting activity, but often this activity actually makes parents want to buy all kinds of funny clothes. As a result, newborn clothes will accumulate at home. On the other hand, your little one will develop quickly, thus requiring clothes that are bigger in size.

III. Choose Newborn Baby Clothing With Simple Model

Newborn baby clothes that are many accessories are indeed more attractive and adorable, but you should stay away from such types of clothing. This is because too many accessories can make your little one uncomfortable and hit on his skin which is still sensitive. Not only that, accessories on baby clothes are also prone to being released and can stimulate the risk of stumbling by your little one. Clothing with ribbons on the arm or neck is also unsafe because it can harm your little one.

Talking about baby clothes reading too: 'Can You Give Wewanging To A Baby Shirt?'

So after knowing the tips for choosing the size of the baby's clothes, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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