YOGYAKARTA - One of the Javanese philosophy that is still held tightly by many people is 'bits, bebets, weights' in choosing a mate. This philosophy has been used for generations since ancient ancestors in matters of looking for a life partner.
In marriage and plans to build a household, choosing a partner is the most important stage. Until now, there are still many Javanese people who use considerations of seeds, bebets, and weights to choose a wife or husband who is considered suitable.
This philosophy turns out to have a deep meaning and has rational reasons that must be taken into account before continuing to the stage of marriage. So what is the meaning of seeds, bebet, the weight for Javanese in choosing a partner?
In Javanese marriage culture, usually the family or parents will have their own criteria regarding seeds, bebets, the weight of someone who will become their child's partner. Even though for some people, this philosophy is considered quite burdensome or troublesome, but there is a reasonable reason behind it.
Maybe some young people are not thinking too complicated in determining a couple to marry and be invited to a household. But in fact, seed philosophy, bebet, weights can provide many important lessons in planning weddings.
Let us understand the meaning of seeds, bebet, the weight in choosing a partner that you need to know below:
Bibit refers to a person's assessment based on his lineage. This approach aims to find out whether a potential partner comes from a family that will pass on certain values or traits. With the consideration of seeds, you can understand whether a person has a good family background or vice versa.
Bebet is a way of assessing a person based on the scope of his association and how he interacts in everyday life. By paying attention to bebet, it can be seen whether a potential partner has a good reputation or vice versa.
Bobot refers more to a person's assessment based on material aspects or other trivial things. This includes an assessment of whether a potential partner comes from a rich or underprivileged family, has a position or not, a high or low level of education, to an attractive or ordinary physical appearance.
The meaning of the consideration of bobot in Javanese cultural marriage is also discussed in the book Nasehat-Health Marriage (2021) by Dr. Agus Hermanto MHI. The criteria for the weights referred to include:
The goal of choosing a potential partner based on seeds, bebets, and weights is to find the best partner for children. Actually, the concept of seeds, bebets, and weights is in line with the purpose of marriage in the past.
In the past, parents used these three criteria to protect their wealth, land, and family social status. At that time, love or feelings were not the main factors in choosing a partner. Because decisions are more based on social status inherited from birth.
Although it seems ancient, until now the concept of choosing a partner by considering seeds, bebets, and weights is still often applied. However, the meaning of these three criteria is now more flexible and is considered with a more modern perspective and approach.
Such is the review of the meaning of seeds, bebet, the weight in choosing a partner according to the Javanese philosophy. Until now, there are still many Javanese families who use considerations of seeds, bebets, weights, to be able to find the best partner. Also read the meaning of sungkeman in traditional Javanese marriages.
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