Mayor Gibran Receives 150 Cellphone Aid From The Chairman Of PDIP Solo Branch Executive Board FX Rudy
SOLO - The Mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka received the aid of 150 cellphones from the Branch Executive Board of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-Perjuangan). The aid given by the Head of Branch Executive Board of Solo PDI-Perjuangan, FX Hadi Rudyatmo, was intended for underprivileged students to support the online distance learning process during the pandemic.
FX Rudy handed over 150 cellphones to Gibran in the Surakarta mayor's meeting room, Monday, March 8. The cellphone assistance program for students in Solo was indeed a program of the Surakarta City Government during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quoted from the statement of the Surakarta City Government, with the help of this cellphone, it is hoped that students can learn effectively while waiting for face-to-face learning readiness which is planned to start in July.
Previously, the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming, had a chance to review the preparation of Face-to-Face Learning simulations at Junior High School 4 during the Mider Praja activity on Friday, March 5. Gibran emphasized that he would immediately start simulations in 23 schools that had been appointed to carry out simulations before they were ready to carry out face-to-face learning.
"Yesterday the target was early in the year, because the number of COVID-19 is still not under control, so hopefully this July it will not be delayed again. So please give us your cooperation, the children who are still at home are monitored for their homework to be resolved immediately," said Gibran, Friday, March 5.
Gibran said that the implementation of the 5M health protocol at the school was fairly good. He and the ranks also made sure that all teachers had received the vaccine before the direct learning took place.
"We have seen that the readiness of State Junior High School 4 is quite good and before entering the school gate, we have checked their temperature, immediately washed their hands, went straight to class. Also 50 percent in the classroom, the rest is still online. All keep the distance, use the mask and face shield provided by the school. The air conditioner is turned off, the vents are opened to improve air circulation," said Gibran.
"What has been done at the State Junior High School 4 needs to be imitated by other schools. The hope is that in July the school can be started and we will also continue to pursue vaccinations for teachers and staff. We assure that school children are safe, and return home safe," continued Gibran.