Amazing Video Of Travel Driver Blackmailed By A Number Of Youths In Paninggaran, Pekalongan Police Explains Sitting In Case
PEKALONGAN Viral a video narrated extortion carried out by a group of youths in the Paninggaran area, Pekalongan, Central Java. The video uploaded on social media reaped various comments. Related to this, the Head of Pekalongan Police, AKBP Dr. Arief Fajar Satria immediately gave an explanation.
AKBP Arief Fajar said that the incident in the video occurred on Monday, April 24. From the information received by his party, there are two versions. Where one version says there has been a dispute that started with a rental car that grazes residents on the Paninggaran road. However, another version that has gone viral on social media contains an extortion committed by a group of youths.
"Currently, the Pekalongan Police are asking for verification or asking for information from both parties, which from both parties yesterday was in accordance with information submitted from the Paninggaran Police Chief that this could be resolved. However, the news is only viral at this time," explained Arief in a written statement, Friday, April 28.
Arief also emphasized that later the investigators would re-determine whether it was really resolved at that time properly or checking regarding who grazed or whether there were allegations of intent and so on.
"So later we will convey further updates," he added.
Meanwhile, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Isnovim added that regarding the viral news of extortion in Paninggaran, he and his members immediately moved quickly and went to the TKP. In addition, he has also summoned a travel driver and a young man related to the video.
"From the examination of drivers and youth, both of them confirmed that there was no burglary (extortion). However, it is true that the travel driver was stopped by several youths and the young man asked the driver almost four of the young men's motorbikes," explained the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit.
For this incident, the two parties have been brought together and between the travel driver and the relevant youth have agreed to be resolved amicably or restorative justice.